The opening of the canal through which urine is excreted from the penis is blocked for congenital or other reasons (trauma, after surgery, etc.) it opens to a different place than it should. It is also likely that there is a curvature of the penis with it. The opening of this urinary canal is usually narrower than usual. Along with this abnormality, there is a possibility that there are other abnormalities of the urinary system.
In the absence of an intervention, difficulty in the flow of urine and associated thickening of the bladder and loss of strength over time, swelling and loss of function in the kidneys and ureter, leakage of urine back to the kidneys, frequent urinary tract infection, kidney inflammation called pyelonephritis, bleeding and stone formation may occur.
In surgery, the foreskin is used if it is possible during the normal functioning of the urinary canal. In cases where the foreskin is absent or insufficient, tissue may need to be removed from different parts of the body (arm or thigh skin, inside the mouth, bladder, connective tissue in the testicular bag) to move the urethral opening to the normal position. In both cases, if possible, a new urethral canal is created, a urethral catheter is inserted, and the operation is completed. In cases where the tissue needs to mature or the opening of the canal is too far from the normal location, the tissue taken can be placed on the penis and the actual correction process can be postponed to a later date. A cystostomy catheter can also be placed under the navel for drainage purposes.