Scar Revision

There is a wide variety of methods for treating scars due to surgery or some accident that has been had. Scars are undesirable consequences of illness and surgery. It is not yet possible to completely recover the existing scar, but plastic surgery can correct the appearance and structure of the scars. In the early period, with applications such as creams and silicone gel, it is tried to soften the scars and lighten. If it is believed that it will be useful in the late period, surgical procedures called scar revision can be performed. These consist of different applications, from removing and suturing the scar, changing the direction of the scar and removing its width, and performing skin transplantation if necessary. Scar correction surgeries are not performed until one year after the injury, except in special cases.

A good scar is; thin, skin-colored scar that is not puffy or itchy, and is painless. This scar should also be parallel to the existing skin lines on the visible parts of the body or face. A bad scar is; puffy, red, itchy, noticeable, hard and wide marks on the skin. Generally, all of the scars have redness in the early period, and fading in color and a decrease in hardness occur over time. Yet, after six months or a year, a thick scar that is still red, noticeable and higher than the skin is a scar that should be considered for a scar revision surgery.

There are many different factors that determine the characteristics of the scar. Some of them are dependent on the form of the condition forming the scar, and some are dependent on the body parts. Scars may occur in different regions in different ways. For instance, while the eyelid scars less due to its thin skin, regions such as the back, chest wall and shoulder are areas that are more likely to leave scars. The reason for this is that the tension is more depending on the structure of the muscles in these regions. In body parts where the skin is thin and not exposed to too much tension, the scar usually forms easily.

The shape of the incision also contributes to the formation of the scar. Smooth incisions are better, scars formed by friction or in cases where the tissue is injured by crushing are of poorer quality and worse.

Scars are also associated with age. Generally, very young children, infancy and very advanced age people have better scars due to the reduction of skin tension, while scars are worse during periods of development and adolescence.

One of the factors that adversely affect scars is sun exposure in the early stages of recovery. The sun's rays lead to an increase in connective tissue in the scar and to bad scars.

It is believed that genetic factors play a role in the quality of scars. Sometimes it may be necessary to avoid performing surgery for people who are prone to bad scars due to familial reasons. Likewise, surgery should be approached carefully in someone who has had a previous intervention and has a bad scar as a result. Another example is scar of vaccination. If the vaccination scar is very bad, then the patient should be warned.

Regardless of which surgical method is used, it is impossible to completely counteract a scar. But the scar can be improved and hidden in some body parts or made less noticeable.

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